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Research Interest
Music Education /Multicultural music education
Applied Ethnomusicology
Cultural and Development
Action research
Research Projects (3)
2021 :
Developing Online World Music Curriculum for Providing Fundamental Education and Promoting Lifelong Learning in Thai Students
2021 :
Building of Safe and Creative Media Monitoring and Evaluation Networks
-- :
Synthesis of English learning enhancement research Series
Publications (5)
Rungnapa, S., & Chandransu, N. (2021). The Practice Of Creative Music And Dance Performances Of The Asli Mala Group. Journal of Urban Culture Research (JUCR), 22 (1), 92-103.
Saibunmi, S., Chandransu, N., & Chanoksakul, S. (2021). Saibunmi, S., Chandransu, N., & Chanoksakul, S. (2021). Developing Social and Emotional Learning Skills through Secondary School Concert Bands. Malaysian Journal of Music, 10(1), 1-11.. Malaysian Journal of Music, 10(1), 1-11.
Chandransu,N., Chanoksakul,S. and Saibunmi,S.. (2020). The Direction of World Music Pedagogy: Definition, Principles, and Suggestions for Thailand. Journal of Education Studies, 48(1), 142-163.
Ungpho,R, and Chandransu,N. (2019). Revitalizing the Crisis Music Culture of the Moken in Surin Archipelago National Park, Pang-nga. Journal of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla University, 2(11), 199-222.
Chandransu, N . (2019). Integrating Multicultural Music Education into the Public Elementary School Curricula in Thailand. International Journal of Music Education, 37(4), 547–560.
Presentations (0)
Other Products (0)