Home > People > Former Director > Dr. Khunying Suriya Ratanakul, Professor |
1981-1988 and 1993-2001 Director of Research Institute for Language and Culture of Asia
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B.A. (French Language
and Literature),
Chulalongkorn University
Doctorat de l’ Universit?
de Paris Linguistiques
et Etudes Extr?me-
Orientales (Sorbonne)
France, Universit?
de Paris
Suriya Ratanakul,
Problems of Tones
in Thai Language,
Journal of Thammasart
University, Vol.1,
No.2., p.149-182.
(in Thai)
1972 Suriya Ratanakul,
Some Remarks on
Contemporary Thai,
Journal of Thammasart
University, Vol.1,
No.3., p.67-79.
(in Thai)
1990 Suriya Ratanakul,
Tai People and Their
Languages: A Preliminary
Consideration, in
Development Modernization
and Tradition in
Southeast Asia :
Lessons from Thailand,
edited by Pinit
Ratanakul and U.
Kyaw Than p.49-111.
Suriya Ratanakul,
Languages in Southeast
Asia Vol.1: Austroasiatic
and Sino-Tibetan,
Bangkok, Sahathammik,
pp.390. (in Thai)
Suriya Ratanakul,
Semantics, an Introduction,
Bangkok, Sahathammik
press, pp.375 (in
Thai-Hmong Dictionary,
Bangkok: Kasemsamphan,
pp.195. (in Thai)
1972 Where is ฃ
ฅ, Journal of Thammasart
University, Vol.2,
No.1., p.29-60.
(in Thai)
1974 Idiomatic Usage
: Proverbs, Metaphor,
Saying, Four-syllabled
phrase, Journal
of Thammasart University,
Vol.4, No.1., p.122-141.
(in Thai)
1974 Problem in
Learning Thai of
the Khmu-Lawa-Thin
1977 A Study of
the Thin: a Mon-Khmer
linguistic community
in Thailand, presented
at the Symposium
on Researches in
Philosophy, March
24-26, 1977 at the
Faculty of Education,
Chulalongkorn University
under the auspices
of the National
Research council
of Thailand (The
Philosophy Division)
1977 Aspects of
Linguistic Features
in Minority Languages,
presented to The
Regional Seminar
on Language Education
in Multilingual
Societies: Its Challenges
and Potentials,
Singapore, 18-22
April, 1977.
1978 Karen Song,
presented to the
Seminar on “Language
Research in Thailand”,
23-24 February,
1981 Sgaw Karen
Color Categories,
presented to the
Eleventh International
Conference on Sino-Tibetan
Languages and Linguistics,
University of Arizona,
October 20-22, 1978,
published in Journal
of the Siam Society,
volume 69, 1981,
1981 Transitivity
and causation in
Sgaw Karen, presented
to the Thirteenth
International Conference
on Sino-Tibetan
Languages and Linguistics,
University of Virginia,
October 24-26, 1980,
published in Linguistics
Across Continents:
Studies in Honor
of Richard S. Pittman
edited by Andrew
Gonzalez and David
Thomas, Manila,
1981, p.156-179.
1982 Learning Thai
Languages in the
old days, Journal
of Language and
Culture,Vol.2, No.2.,
July-December 1982,
p.1-27. (in Thai)
1983 Mahathen Sri-Satha:
A Sukhothai Hero,
Journal of Language
and Culture,Vol.3,
No.2., July-December
1983, p.37-57. (in
1983 Three Copulative
verbs in Sgaw Karen,
Computational Analyses
of Asian & African
Languages, No.21,
February 1983, p.93-108.
1984 A Prolegomena
on Traditional Wisdom
in Karen Folklore,
Presented to the
International Symposium
on Southeast Asian
Folklore, Krogerup
College, Humlebaek,
Denmark, August
23-26, 1982, published
in Journal of the
Siam Society, volume.72,
1984, p.1-13.
1984 Lawa and Lua,
Journal of Language
and Culture, Vol.4,
No.1., January-June
1984, p.56-78. (in
1985 Northern Tai
and Central Tai,
Journal of Language
and Culture, Vol.5,
No.1., January-June
1985, p.28-54. (in
1985 The Lawa L
s m l? Poetry, Journal
of the Siam Society,
volume 73, 1985,
1985 Suriya Ratanakul
and Lakhana Daoratanahong,
The Phonology of
Lawa, Southeast
Asian Linguistic
Studies presented
to Andre-G. Haudricourt,
edited by Suriya
Ratanakul, David
Thomas, Suwilai
Premsrirat, Mahidol
University, Bangkok,
1986 A Study of
Compound Nouns in
Lawa, White Meo
and Sgaw Karen,
presented to the
17th International
Conference on Sino-Tibetan
Languages and Linguistics
at the University
of Oregon, September
7-9, 1984, published
in Language in Global
Perspective. Papers
in Honor of the
50th Anniversary
of the Summer Institute
of Linguistics (1935-1985),
Copyright 1986 by
the Summer Institute
of Linguistics,
Dallas, Texas, p.549-556.
1986 Suriya Ratanakul
and Lakhana Daoratanahong,
Lawa-Thai Dictionary,
1986 Suriya Ratanakul,
Wirat Niyomtham
and Sophana Srichampa,
Thai-Sgaw Karen
Dictionary, pp.1277.
1986 The Analysis
of ta in Sgaw Karen,
Journal of Language
and Culture, Vol.6,
No.1., January-June
1986, p.1-35.
1987 Suriya Ratanakul
and Lakhana Daoratanahong,
Thai-Lawa Dictionary,
1988 Suriya Ratanakul
and Lakhana Daoratanahong,
Food and Food Behaviour
of the Karen Sgaw,
pp.92. (in Thai)
1995 Suriya Ratanakul,
Having Fun with
the Thai Language,
Journal of Language
and Culture, Vol.14,
No.1., January-June
1995, p.13-17. (in
1996 Suriya Ratanakul,
Funeval Tradition
of the Lua, Journal
of Language and
Culture, Vol.15,
No.1., January-June
1996, p.4-27. (in
1996 Suriya Ratanakul
and Somsonge Burusphat,
Languages and cultures
of the Kam-Tai (Zhuang-Dong)
Group: A Word List,
Sahathammika Press,
1996 Suriya Ratanakul,
Sujaritlak Deepadung
and Pattiya Jimreavat,
Lua Language and
Culture : A Study
from 30 Conversational
Tests, Sahathammika
Press, pp.247.
1996 Nathawee Thotsarot
and Suriya Ratanakul,
The Encyclopedia
of the Ethnic Groups
in Thai: Lawa, Sahathammika
Press, pp.32. (in
1996 Suriya Ratanakul,
“Lawa L s m l? poetry
revisited.”, Mon-Khmer
Studies, 26: 387-410.
1997 Sujaritlak
Deepadung and Suriya
Ratanakul, “Final
particles in conversational
Mal (Thin).”, Mon-Khmer
Studies, 27: 81-89.
1998 Suriya Ratanakul,
“Numeral Classifiers
in Sgaw Karen.”,
Mon-Khmer Studies,28:
Ratanakul, David
Thomas and Suwilai
Premsrirat (editors),
Southeast Asian
Linguistic Studies
presented to Andre-G.
Haudricourt, Mahidol
University, Bangkok,
1985, Parpim Ltd.,
Part, pp.587.
Suriya Ratanakul,
A Translation test
of French to Thai
“La place du vietnamien
dans les langues
by A.G. Haudricourt,
Journal of Language
and Culture, Vol.12,
No.2., July-December
1993, p.67-71.
Suriya Ratanakul,
“Book Reviews of
William J. Gedney:
The Yay language,
The Tai dialect
of Lungming and
The Saek language
in Mon-Khmer Studies
XXIII, 144-148.
1996 Suriya Ratanakul,
(editor) Mon-Khmer
Studies XXV. A Journal
of Southeast Asian
Languages, Aspecial
volume in the memory
of Prof. A.G. Haudricourt.
1996 Suriya Ratanakul
and Wachiraporn
Wandi, A Manual
of Thai Song in
“Phra lor”, Sahathammika
Press. (in Thai)
Suriya Ratanakul,
“The Report on the
Analysis of Wholehearted
Teacherness of Queen
Sirikit.” Ministry
of Education, Bangkok
Amarintra Printing
and Publishing Co.Ltd.
(in Thai)