Over the past twenty years the Research Institute for Language and Culture of Asia (RILCA) has been the main academic institution in Thailand to act as an advocate for and to promote public consciousness of the need to empower and give dignity to local ethnic minority cultures. Thus, the local people are being given the ability to maintain their unique identities, cultures and languages within the larger Thai World. To this end, the RILCA has undertaken timely studies of the language, culture, and lifestyles of various ethnic groups.
Data has been collected, analyzed and recorded in accordance with strict academic standards and has been compiled in reference books and documents, such as theses, research papers, and dictionaries, in order to give the majority Thai society the chance to learn about and gain an understanding of the special features of ethnicities.
Researching the languages and Cultures of ethnic groups is a continuous process. In order to shape the direction of research precisely, in 2007 the RILCA set up a research group of languages and cultures of ethnic groups. The major role of the research group is to conduct researches on the languages and cultures of ethnic groups residing in the Southeast Asian region. Linguistically, these ethnic groups are divided into 4 subgroups, namely, Austroasiatic, Malayo-Polynesian, Sino-Tibetan, and Tai-Kadai including Thai. The major initiative is the drafting of research proposals on the languages and cultures of ethnic groups residing both within and outside Thailand aimed at securing research funding and conducting subsequent researches as grants provide.
In addition to research, the research group conducts other activities related to the research theme such as special lectures and resource development of the team's research publications.
The research group on languages and cultures of ethnic groups consists of thirteen members as follows:
Dr. Amon Sangmanee, Associate Professor |
Dr. Somsonge Burusphat, Professor
[ Curriculum vitae ] |
Dr. Sujaritlak Deepadung, Associate Professor
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Dr. Khwanchit Sasiwongsaroj, Assistant Professor
quanjit.sas@mahidol.ac.th, kwan7chit@yahoo.com
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[ Short Bio ] |
Dr. Pattama Patpong, Assistant Professor
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Dr. Renu Muenjanchoey, Assistant Professor
renu.mue@mahidol.ac.th, renu_ao@yahoo.com
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Dr. Narong Ardsmiti
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Dr. Mayuree Thawornpat
mayuree.tha@mahidol.ac.th, mthawornpat@yahoo.com
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Dr. Sumittra Suraratdecha
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Dr. Weeranan Damrongsakul
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Pichet Setapong
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Werapong Mesathan
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