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Kwanchit Sasiwongsaroj. The Use Of Health Care Services By Burmese Migrant Workers In Ranong Province. Paper Presented At The 2006 Thai National Symposium On Population Studies, Hosted By Thai Population Association At The Twin Tower, Bangkok. 23-24 November, 2006. |
Naraset Pisitpanporn. Ho and Ho People in Thailand. The International Conference for the 16th International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Science (ICAES 2006), Zhongshan Univeristy, Guangzhong, P.R. China. 24-26 November, 2006 |
Naraset Pisitpanporn. Khmer-Thai Lexion. Conference on "Sustainable Development for Peace: New Dimensions of Friendly Cooperation in the Upper Greater Makong Sub-region" at Grand Wat Phnom Room, Sunway Hotel, Phanom Penh, CAMBODIA. 25-28 September 2006 |
Pattama Patphong. 2006. An Analysis of a Chronicle Report: Tsunami Timeline and Its Path of Destruction. Presented at the 1st World Congress on the Power of language Practice and Development, Queen Sirikit National Convention Center. 22-25 May, 2006. Bangkok, Thailand. |
Ratana Tosakul. Cross-Cultural Marriages and Transnation Gender Mobility: Experiences of Village Women from Northeastern Thailand. Cross-Border Marriage Migration in Asia and Eurpe. Organized by IIAS, the Netherlands and the National Science Council, Taiwan. 18-23 September, 2006 |
Saowapa Pornsiripongse. Social Capital and Non communicable Disease Prevention: Experiences from Thailand. Paper presented at International Symposium on Cultural Diversity in the Contemporary World. Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, Republic of China, November 24-26, 2006. |
Saowapa Pornsiripongse. Cultural Mapping of Ethnic groups in Thai-Cambodian Border Provinces: A Tool for Community Participatory Management of Culture. Paper presented at Ethnic Groups in Mekong Sub-region Conference, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Ubonrachatanee Province, June 22-23,2006 |
Solot Sirisai. Indigenous Food Systems for Health: 2006 Meeting of Case Study Partners Centre for Indigenous Peoples' Nutrition and Environment-CINE. McGill University, CANADA. 6-16 August, 2006. |
Sophana Srichampa. Thai Dhamma Songs: A Psychoanalytic Mode to Better Human Life. Paper presented at the International Conference on Dharma and Abhidharma, organized by K.J. Somaiya Centre for Buddhist Studies, Department of Philosophy, Nava Nalanda M , 6-9 March, 2006. |
Sophana Srichampa. Identity and Dynamics in the Transition of Politeness Expressions in the Vietnamese Language Spoken in Vietnam Southeast Asia. Presented at the A Global Crossroads, EASREP, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 7-10 December, 2006. |
Sophana Srichampa. Vietnamese Propaganda Reflections from 1945-2000. Presented at the 1st World Congress on the Power of language Practice and Development, Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand, 22-25 May, 2006. |
Somsonge Burusphat. The Elision of Negative Morphemes in Tai languages. Presented at the 1st World Congress on the Power of Language: Theory, Practice, and Development, Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand 22-25 May, 2006. |
Suwilai Premsrirat. Austroasiatic Languages on the verge of Extinction : Efforts for Revival of Chong, Nyah Kur and Thavung. L’ecole francaise d’Extrime-Orient (EFEO), 27-29 June, 2006. |
Werapong Mesathan. Kalerng: an example of cultural change. International Symposium on Cultural Diversity and the Contemporary World, Sun Yat-Sen University, China. 24-26 November, 2006 |
สุนิดา ศิวปฐมชัย. สถานภาพการดำเนินงานสื่อสารสุขภาพของสื่อท้องถิ่น. การประชุมวิชาการมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ ณ ห้องประชุม 1 อาคาร HC 05 จัดโดย คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น 25 กันยายน 2549. |
Saowapa Pornsiripongse, Supaporn Kacharat, Theerapong Boonraksa. Ageing with meaningfulness and dignity: Turn back to Thai way of life. A paper presented at the Semainar on Directions to the oldest ageing research. Organized by Mahidol Elderly Research Institute Task Force (MERIT) at National Institute for Child and Family Development, Mahidol University. July 17, 2006. |